
From Huishoudbeurs to high-end conferences


RAI Amsterdam is a well-known event location in The Netherlands. From international conferences to fairs and from theater shows to parties: RAI Amsterdam hosts just about any event you can think of. Each event requires a different approach. Therefore, a tight grip on safety is extremely important.At RAI Amsterdam they have all aspects of service under control. However, management is always taking things to the next level. That’s why we teamed up to see if we could improve safety even further.

Questions from RAI

  • How can we be sure that everyone carries out all safety checks and actions before and during an event?
  • How can we be sure management knows everything that happens on the floor?
  • How are reports of safety incidents or issues followed up?
  • How do we gain insight into risks that are involved at a given time?
  • How do we ensure that all employees have up-to-date information?
  • Is there a way to get more grip on enforcing rules regarding safe working?

Our solutions

We offer support to RAI Amsterdam in various areas: during events, but also during daily affairs. We support the teams responsible for emergency response and crisis as well. All these projects take place at the same time.

From safety plan to evacuation plan

With that many projects, good information management is crucial. We processed all information into one simple app. This includes general manuals and elaborated scenarios, but also specific information per event,

Together with the organization we developed a blueprint. It contains all tasks that employees must tick off before an event starts. These tasks are automatically sent from our database. This way everyone gets the right information at the right time.
‘With the use of Safesight, RAI Amsterdam not only becomes a safer conference center, it also helps us guarantee the high-quality safe events clients expect from us.’
Jules Broex, Director Operations RAI

Risk management insight

Various dashboards show accurately how the organization is doing. A task dashboard provides an overview of tasks that have been completed. A risk dashboard draws the user’s attention if a task or notification remains open, creating a risk. The organization can see at a glance whether it’s safe at the RAI. And if the organization is still at risk, management can make immediate adjustments.

All reports are registered in a cloud-based log. Things like complaints and damages, but also incidents or calamities. By scanning QR codes, data about special locations or suppliers can be processed quickly. RAI Amsterdam works with uniform incident codes and locations, in order to gather all information in clear reports. Management uses these reports to improve the organization even further.

We believe that organizations can immediately start improving their safety. Every step – no matter how small – directly contributes to greater safety. Safesight helps with that.